Monday, January 7, 2008

What are The Benefits for Using Warehouse Management System?

Warehouse management system can help management to find out:

  • The quantity of inventory exists in the warehouse
  • The number of orders that are currently being shipped
  • The stages of processing of pending orders
  • Staff productivity details
  • Goods shipped by the warehouse over any given period of time

The warehouse management can determine the quantity of inventory exists in the various stages of processing not like non-automated warehouse management.

Sales people - can determine the quantity of inventory is available and can relate better to the warehouse staff which has level up their Customer Relationship standard.

Customer Managers - can reserve inventory for a customer which will make sure that it will not be shipped to anyone else.

Inventory Managers - can track transactions at a very fine detail to diagnose unexpected sudden changes in inventory.

1 comment:

WMS said...

best blog about warehouse management System...